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Sunday, January 9, 2011

All weekend long baby...

So, I've had my first quiet weekend at home in the country for a while... With all the Christmas madness there was rarely a quiet moment. So I spent my Saturday and Sunday watching the end of cycle 15 of ANTM and messing with beads. I think my papa's getting a little worried, I was hunched over my bead board for two straight days.

Now, while I can't show everything I've made (some of it is to be a gift! i can't ruin the surprise!), I can post pics of my new necklace and bracelet... I'm not entirely happy with the necklace, there's a chance I'll shorten it cos long necklaces just don't tend to suit me well I don't think, but sure here's a look anyway...

I wanted it to be asymetrical, with the beads being so sparkly and pretty it could have turned into a boring chain. As I said, I might still shorten it to about an inch or so beneath my collarbone. 

And then there's the bracelet. I'm actually in love with it. I think it's the beads, I found them in a small bead shop in Delft on my trip to Holland in September. I've been looking at them since then! They're just gorgeous, dark, but not heavy, and beautifully sparkly. In a word, perfect!! I also had a bit of chunky chain left over from a bracelet I shortened last week. So, this was the end result...

I don't think I've ever liked anything I've made this much before... I'd like to wear it to work tomorrow, but I worry that the beads would slow down my typing... The beads are a little under a centimeter in diameter... Gorgeous tho, non?? 

I'm really excited to go and find some new beads, my deadly friend K has promised that she'll take me to a bead shop in Dublin that I haven't seen before... I'm really excited, I feel like I have some really stunning big statement beads, and I have loads of small ones, but I don't have anything in between. Also, this experiment with the chunky chain has made me want to explore other materials too. 

Seeing as it's late and I'm super tired I'm going to finish this post abruptly by telling you guys that it snowed this weekend... It came as fast as it went, but I managed to grab a few fuzzy pics on Friday evening. 

Hasta la vista babez...


  1. You will love the lil bead shop at the entrance to George's Arcade beside the Harlequinn. :]

  2. That's the bead shop I've been going to for years... Love it!
