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Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Graduand

Well hello lads and ladies. It's been an absolute eternity (or six months) since my last post... My sincerest apologies for that, but I was rather busy getting myself an auld degree! It was the most stressful few months, but I guess I have to say it was all worth it, right? Moving swiftly along...

Due to my heavy workload, I actually wouldn't have had anything to blog about even if I did have the time to blog. But now, now I've got so much time on my hands that I don't know what to do with myself! I spent the last few weeks watching many episodes of Bones. Actually, who am I kidding. I watched all Bones episodes that have been shown on d'telly so far. It distracted me nicely from the horrors of waiting for exam results. I'd highly recommend this method! 

Wow, I'm really out of the blogging swing of things... Feel a bit tongue-tied, or finger tied even. That sounds odd. I actually did get around to making some small wee bracelets back around the end of January... I got a few bike charms that I'm sure I told you guys about before. I eventually got around to making a few bracelets with them! 

This one was for Jess, I usually choose pinks and purples for her...

This one is mine! I'm a yellow-aholic, I'm worse than ever these days. Ask anyone. 

Nothing too exciting there really. Oh gosh, I think I might have lost my knack of writing mildly entertaining blog entries. Drat. I'm living it up back at home in Kerry these days, working a little, a lot of free time on my hands, but hopefully that'll soon be filled with driving lessons and job applications and the like. Being a real person (i.e. not a student) is so bizarre. It's definitely going to take some getting used to. 

Right, back to business. I really got back into the jewellery thing this week. And I had a great excuse to do so. My most wonderful lady friend Katie Gordonka Marie Piglet Gordon went and passed all her exams. I'm a big fan of hers, but I'm also a terrible friend. I still hadn't sent her birthday present (which I forgot to take pics of, sorry!) and card over, so I sent one big package there today. I wasn't sure what to make her, I usually make bracelets, but I thought she's probably getting bored with them at this point, although she's too kind to say it. Anyway, here's what I ended up with...

I need to get myself a decent camera this summer, but at least I'm mixing up the backgrounds now, eh?

So, Gordonka, sorry about the fact that you're probably going to see this before you get your package, but congrats and happy birthday anyway m'dear! 

After the necklace, I decided to go back to what I know... Bracelets. Ages ago I posted a picture of a necklace I'd made with a very sparkly central section of beads, but I never wore the necklace as it was too long to suit me. Well, last night I took it apart, and I ended up with this...

Again, picture doesn't do the sparkliness of it any justice... Apologies.

Fairly happy with that one, wore it to work today, along with my other creation for the week!

Again, nicer in person. Come ask me to see it some time! Or don't. Whatevs.

So, that's about as far as my creative juices have stretched lately. I'm still trying to unpack after the big move home, so procrastinating to avoid that is busy work! I did, however, come up with what I think is a deadly new way to store and display all of my jewellery. As I've been moving around lots I just kept it all in a make up bag, but last week I decided to use a few hooks that were already in my ceiling. I had a net full of teddies hanging up there back in the day. 

Cool, right? Just me? Alright then...

I moustache you guys a question, what do ye think? Awful pun, I know. 

Right, I think that's about it for now lads. Hope you didn't miss me too much, but it's safe to say I'm back for good now. And I might try branching out what I blog about. Maybe. We'll have to see.

I'm gonna act like a tree and leave...

1 comment:

  1. Terrible puns!

    you need to start selling these on etsy or ebay!
