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Sunday, December 25, 2011

One year on.

Yes faithful fans, it has indeed been one whole year since that fabulous first blog post of mine. Oh how things have changed, but in many ways not at all! I'm (slightly) bored at (roughly) the same time on the very same day. As the year went on, I feel my blog posts got a little meatier, but overall, I haven't blogged a whole bunch so sorry about that! 

I've had an interesting week. I was working in my old office Monday to Friday... Mad craic. Ish. Things got exciting towards the end of the week when mince pies and platters of fried stuff started to turn up in the canteen. And of course there was the day Santa and his helpers came to visit. Oh the excitement!!

He took time out of his very busy schedule just for us. What a dude.

So, other than a week full of work, I also FINALLY made it out for Thursday night pints with the awesome Sarah! So, there's me, expecting a few quiet ones by the fire. That's how it started off. But soon enough, the pints kept coming and the night just went nuts. It was fantastic! It was a night that involved a trip to the chipper... Nothing wrong with that at all I'd say! Many a lol was had.

Then came Friday. Myself and a gang did the 12 pubs of Christmas thang in town. I reused my naff jumper from last week, and once again it was a hit! We didn't quite hit 12 pubs. We sort of ran out of time, and we all wanted to get into the nightclub in town for free so we all skittered across the road and in the door just before 12. The place was nuts! And warm. I ditched my jumper in the cloakroom for the night, and let me tell you, that decision did not go down well. However, once again, much fun was had, EVERYONE was out, so it was a darn savage night!! 

I wasn't just out boozing this week I'll have you all know. I started the week quite well, as I made more jewellery! I'd had enough of bracelets so I switched to necklaces for an evening. I had some really chunky, sparkly beads and I wanted to use a coloured thread rather than wire or anything else... This is what happened then.

I stuck with the chain thing, but it was on a very different scale which I liked.

I also came across some beads which my wonderful buddy Dave gave me AGES ago. Don't know where he found them, but I loved them!!

Cool, right?

I thought the crescent moon one was really cool, but it took a bit of thinking to figure out what colour to put with it. I could have put green, but my green beads were completely the wrong shade. I could have chosen the bright yellows that I have, but then it would have looked like the Kerry colours around my neck. I wasn't up for that at all (nothing against Kerry though, because Kerry is the most awesome of all counties, but you guys already knew that...)! In the end I went for some clear beads tending towards a pink shade... I think it turned out so well, even wore it into work a few days later.

Too pretty for words, I know.

Not a whole lot else going on in this hip and happening place. I got a few lovely goodies for Christmas, and I gave a few too (I hope!). Gearing up to take on town yet again tomorrow night, and to see more long-lost buddies! The excitement. Isn't Christmas awesome?

Over and out.

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